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Give Us 30-60 Days & We'll Find You a Dream Job!

Our team of dedicated Virtual Job Search Assistants can make your life easier by managing your entire job search. Save time and do what you love while we bring you the interviews.

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Career JumpStart Service

For Director, VP, SVP and C-Level Job Seekers

Want to JumpStart Your Career?

Elevate your career and secure a high-paying position, schedule a call with us today. Lets explore how we can work together to land your next executive role.

As A Senior-Level Candidate You Have Already Realized That Finding A Job Is Tricky And Complicated

  • Most senior-level jobs that pay at least $150k+ are rarely announced to the general public and are kept strictly confidential.
  • Technology has actually made it harder than ever to get hired; recruiters see hundreds and hundreds of resumes every day.
  • 98% of Fortune 500 companies and at least 66% of large companies use recruitment software (ATS), you cant always outsmart an algorithm or a bloated corporate hiring system.

To overcome these challenges, here is what we can do to help you find your dream job faster.

We will assign you a dedicated virtual assistant for 1-2 months to help you with your job search using the latest tools and techniques that put you in front of the decision makers and give you access to confidential and unannounced opportunities.

How do we do it?

Fast, inexpensive, effective!


Build Your Sales Team & Run Your Job Search Like a Marketing Campaign

Your LinkedIn profile, résumé, and cover letter are your sales team. And they are going to help your ideal employer find you. Before we begin the job search, we'll redesign your résumé using an Executive Level Resume format and keyword optimize your LinkedIn to attract your ideal prospects.

The modern-day job search is not like it used to be. Long gone are the days of applying for jobs online and getting calls for interviews. A job search is in essence a marketing campaign with you as the product, and your executive job search strategy equates to your marketing campaign.

So you really need to run your job search like a marketing campaign.


Find Unadvertised & Confidential Opportunities

We'll reach out to 500+ decision makers on your behalf in your industry and desired location to find positions that aren't listed on job boards.

When you're looking for a job, it's easy to become focused on job boards and search engines and forget about other ways to find open positions. This kind of tunnel vision can mean missing out on the hidden job market—unadvertised job openings that are accessible only to those who look beyond what they can find online.


Find Jobs & Submit Applications

If you want to find a job fast, you need to apply for a large number of jobs. But how can you send out a high volume of applications quickly and easily? That's where we come in.

We will find and apply to all new job openings in your area daily for 60 days, so you do not miss any opportunities. We will upload all jobs in a separate excel sheet for you so you can review and track them yourself whenever you want.


Expand Your Network

You always hear that 80% of job opportunities are not posted – this is what is called the hidden job market. The key to tapping that is your network.

Your dedicated Virtual Assistant will add at least 500 new connections to your network on LinkedIn with decision makers in your industry, send networking messages to leverage your job search using the world's primary search engine and social network.


Monitoring LinkedIn & Track Jobs

A big part of the LinkedIn approach is to make sure that you monitor who has added you back, and then send them messages after they have connected with you. Once someone has added you, you can also pull their email address from their profile and email them your résumé/cover letter.

The typical job search involves applying to as many jobs as you can. The real challenge becomes keeping track of all the places you apply to. We will help you keep track of the jobs you applied to, including your target companies, anyone you have contact with there (including interviews and decision makers), and dates and information about each contact. This might not seem significant at first glance, but it can really help as you apply to a few jobs at a few companies. Without this order, it can get very confusing.

Troy Erstling

"People often say “looking for a job is a full time job”, and that shouldnt be the case. It doesnt have to be this painful of a process.

While businesses and solopreneurs often leverage outsourcing and Virtual Assistants, I rarely see an individual use a VA to make their life easier and free up their time.

By outsourcing the work you dont enjoy you can focus on doing what matters most to land a job. You also have a higher likelihood of generating several offers, that way youre not only finding A job, but the RIGHT job. I think its worth the investment."

- Troy Erstling, Entrepreneur and Founder of Braingain.

Simply Let Us Manage Your Job Search & You Can Avoid Longer Unemployment

Finding a senior level job can be much easier than you think. Many people simply dot know the correct steps to take which makes them take far longer than they need to. Well do all the hard work and smart work for you, and youll find your next job in no time.

The Hard Work Way

Estimated Time to First Interview 6 months.

Spend 33 hours finding 100 jobs a month. (20 minutes each job)

Spend 25 hours a month submitting 100 job applications

Spend 44 hours sending network messages and new connections requests. (2 hours a day)

No Access to Unadvertised & Confidential Opportunities

Not using the right search channels or tools

Less likelihood of finding your dream job due to limited options. You might have to work for a company with a bad culture.

The Easy Way

Estimated Time to First Interview 30-60 days.

Spend 0 hours finding 100 jobs a month. (We do it for you)

Spend 0 hours a month submitting 100 job applications. (We do it for you!)

Spend 0 hours sending network messages and new connections requests. (We do it)

Access to Unadvertised & Confidential Opportunities

Leverage the right search channels and tools

Higher likelihood of generating several offers, that way you’re not only finding A job, but the RIGHT job.

Finally…A Quick & Easy Way For You To Find Your Next Big Opportunity!

Let's see if we're a fit. Get started by scheduling a complimentary consultation.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What Is CareerBooster's Career JumpStart Service?

A: The service was created to offer busy professionals a solution to job searching on their own. We assign a dedicated Virtual Job Search assistant who will be responsible for managing the time-consuming art of job searching. Our professional Virtual Job Search Assistants will be responsible for searching for jobs on your behalf, applying to the jobs you approve, and networking with key decision-makers to land you interviews.

Q: How does the virtual assistant work?

A: We will assign a dedicated virtual assistant (VA) to work closely with you throughout your job search. The VA will manage your LinkedIn profile, adding relevant connections with decision-makers and headhunters in your desired industry, which can lead to uncovering unannounced and confidential opportunities. The VA will also conduct daily searches on LinkedIn and various job boards to identify relevant job openings. When they find a job that matches your requirements, they will share it with you. Upon your approval, the VA will apply on your behalf and submit the application. This process saves you time and ensures consistent efforts in your job search, leading to potential opportunities within 30-60 days.

Q: How do I communicate with my virtual assistant?

A: You can communicate with your virtual assistant via email, phone calls, or scheduled virtual meetings. We ensure that communication is clear and efficient to keep your job search on track.

Q: How much does the Career JumpStart service cost?

A: The service costs $4,500, with $3,000 as the placement fee and $1,500 invested in career tools and Virtual Assistant. The placement fee is only charged after you secure your desired job and receive your first paycheck.

Q: How is the $1,500 investment in career tools and resources utilized?

A: The $1,500 investment covers essential tools and resources such as executive resume writing, LinkedIn profile optimization, and a dedicated virtual assistant to manage your job applications and networking efforts.

Q: What if I already have a resume and LinkedIn profile?

A: Even if you have an existing resume and LinkedIn profile, we will enhance and optimize them to better align with current industry standards and highlight your strengths more effectively. We do this to increase your chances of success by boosting your ranking in recruiters' systems and the LinkedIn algorithm with keyword optimization techniques.

Q: Can I Hire A Recruiter To Find Me A Job?

A: A recruiter’s main job is to help hiring companies fill open positions, not find jobs for individuals. Recruiters do not receive compensation from job seekers. They receive compensation from hiring companies. Therefore, you cannot hire a recruiter to find you a job.

Q: What industries does CareerBooster specialize in?

A: Our expertise includes, but is not limited to, technology, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, real estate, legal, marketing, education, non-profit, energy, retail, consumer goods, telecommunications, hospitality, automotive, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, insurance, transportation and logistics, construction, entertainment and media, food and beverage, government, and public administration. We connect you with executive headhunters and decision makers across these sectors to find the best opportunities that align with your specific skill set and experience.

Q: Do you offer any guarantees with the Career JumpStart service?

A: While we cannot guarantee a job offer, our success-based fee structure ensures that you only pay our placement fee after securing your desired job. This reflects our commitment to providing effective and results-driven services.